Detroit, MI | Travel Photography

A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to take a week long vacation and took off on a road trip to a couple of big cities neither of us had been to yet. The first city up on the list was Detroit, Michigan where we spent a couple days exploring the downtown section of the city, while staying across the river in Windsor, Ontario with a good view of the Detroit skyline. While there were definitely places downtown where you could tell the economic state of the city had taken a toll, you could also see a lot of come back in areas with some new park areas and buildings going up. A cool place we got to see while checking out down town was Comerica Park (home of the Detroit Tigers). While they weren't in town while we were there, it was fun to walk around the stadium and see the unique aspects of it. Similar when we got to walk around Fenway while in Boston last year, baseball stadiums are a fun place. We also really enjoyed our views of the GM Renaissance Center (known as the GM RenCen) from across the river. The building has some really cool lighting that changes colors and they reflect well on the river creating some fun pictures.The weather while we were in Detroit was only cooperative for one of the days we were there, but we were fortunate to take good advantage of it especially getting some good skyline shots of the city. The link to a couple Gigapan images we took are below, as well as the normal selection of some of our favorite photos from the trip, hope you enjoy! work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.