Cornerstone Festival 2012- Photoside Cafe

If you were to ask me what band I was looking forward to seeing the most going in, my answer hands down would have been this band.  Hilarie had let me listen to some of there music and I found I enjoy it the same if not more when I get to hear it in person.   Though I didn't get to see this show until Saturday, I'm blogging about it now since I want it to be my 100th post.  To sum up my feeling of this band I just recommend you listen to some of their music.  I like the blend of the instruments they've chosen and almost every song on the album they have out is fantastic.  Here's a few photos I shot during their show which was great (other than Matt's wah pedal overheating)!!Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Cornerstone Festival 2012- The Violet Burning


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Glenn Kaiser and Joe Falisco