Cincinnati: The City of Seven Hills

To kick off my 2012 and to wrap up my break before school starts, I made a visit over to Cincinnati where a good friend of mine lives.  It was my first time to the city and it was quite a site to see.  When we returned home from our long day of hiking around town, we had racked up over 8 miles of walking.  Minus the bridges that spanned the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Newport, none of that was a flat stretch.  If only I had counted the number of steps that we walked up and down as we moved from one vantage point to another.  The city definitely lived up to its reputation of being hilly.  Along with photographing the city we ate lunch at Arnolds which is the oldest bar in the city of Cincinnati.  For dinner we hit up Dewy's Pizza while we were over on the Newport side of the river which provided us with probably the best, not deep-dish pizza I have ever tasted.  All of this while the weather was not blistery cold!  Other than the last few hours which were past sunset, a coat wasn't even necessary.  Between the warm temps and the increased blood flow with all that walking it was surprisingly pleasant out.  The good weather made it so we didn't feel as though we had to rush through things which made for some great photos!!  Photo-wise I decided to try out some bracketing for a couple HDR shots in addition to just shooting.  Also there are a couple places where I've stitched some panoramic photos.  So here they are!Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Remedy Drive


Top 25 of 2011