Arboretum Fun

After spending the past two days doing homework, I took Monday off and did nothing....well sort of.  I went to the Arboretum off of Lincoln Ave., just south of Florida Ave.  and spends a couple hours taking photos and having quiet time.  The weather was amazing, not to mention the flowers and other garden objects that added vibrant colors to my surroundings.  My favorite discovery of the afternoon was the butterfly bush, which one would suspect to be home to a few butterflies.  This suspicion was absolutely true today!  Despite the rather powerful wind, tons of butterflies covered the bush.  Unlike on most flowers, where the presence of a person (let alone a person with a large camera) frightens the butterflies into finding another location to eat, the butterfly bush was just too tempting for them.  Leaving me with an amazing opportunity to photograph these amazing creatures.  This was by far not the only instance of beauty in the Arboretum, but it was indeed my favorite, as you will see in the photos.  Hope you enjoy![slideshow]


First Game


Mr. President