Acadia National Park | Travel Photography

Our first stop on our Northeast trip was to Acadia National Park, which is on Mount Desert Island, just off the coast of Maine. It is the only National Park in the Northeastern states we visited on this trip so we were excited to get to see it. The trees were at peak color when we arrived and the weather was definitely cool, but not too chilly. We spend time hiking and driving the park loop, pulling off at stops and exploring along the way. We climbed to the summit of Beehive, which gave us a great overlook of the park around us.For lodging we stayed just outside the park at a quaint and cozy motel, that while small, heated up quickly, which we enjoyed when we returned from our day’s activities. While we were there, there was the Mount Desert Island marathon, so we got to see a bunch of runners excited for the annual race. We also checked out Bass Harbor lighthouse that is also on the island (not to be confused with the main city on the island Bar Harbor). Our first trip out to the lighthouse was a dud as we got out there after dark and couldn’t find the trail down to the coast, but with some earlier preparation on night 2, we found our way and it was worth it.As with all our travel photos from this journey and others, there is also a gallery on our prints website ( that you can check out as well.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.