U of I as the Sun Sets

Since I've been at U of I, many times I have ventured out as the sun goes down to photograph campus either during that magical, colorful moment or after.  It gives the campus and the buildings a different feel than during the day.  Where the pattern of the windows matters more than the color of the grass and when the hustle and bustle of campus becomes a quiet and still whisper.  I've always enjoyed breaking out the tripod and actually leaving the shutter open longer than the blink of an eye.  It takes you out of the now, what is happening at this second, and gives you what things look like over 30 seconds.  Soon I hope to acquire a Neutral Density filter and a lens that accepts that so I can start capturing things for periods of like 8 or 10 minutes.  For now though, I will be content with seeing things at 30 seconds, and the beauty it brings by taking myself out of the instant.DSC_3671DSC_3677DSC_3712DSC_3714DSC_3729DSC_6526DSC_6528DSC_6537DSC_9793DSC_9807DSC_9828DSC_9830DSC_9863DSC_9872DSC_9877Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.




Allerton Park in Winter