Switchfoot- Agapefest 2012

The moment we've all been waiting for.  The headliner of both the evening and arguably of the weekend, Switchfoot took to the stage and gave the audience a 90 minute set if you include the encore pieces.  Jon Foreman was in amazing form as he went out to the audience a couple times and sang from a platform, climbed a truss, jumped off the drum kit, and rocked out on his guitars and harmonica.  The light show was phenomenal as well.  Night had set in, making the lights on the stage the primary source of color and luminance.  They weren't the only ones though, the "Supermoon" was out and shining bright on Agapefest as the festival came to a close with an unforgettable performance by Switchfoot.Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Trip to the Ozarks


The Rocket Summer- Agapefest 2012