Ron Paul Visits U of I

With only a few days until the start of the final week leading up to Spring Break, the news broke of Ron Paul planning a trip to U of I.  Many students were working to check out, get ready to get out of the midwest for a break from the cold dreary days of winter.  Nevertheless, the news of a presidential candidate visiting campus spread like wildfire.  Mainly through Facebook and other social media sites, citizens and students came out of the wood work for this surprise event.Signing up for the early admission ticket did not by any means ensure you a good seat.  By the time I got there, there were two enormous lines.  Though they moved quickly it was clear that the house was gonna be a full one, and indeed it was.  I have never seen Huff Hall that full in my three years at U of I.  The volleyball team came close when they were ranked #1, but this still took the cake.Despite microphone trouble, those who spoke before Paul and Ron Paul himself were still able to clearly send out the message of giving liberty to the people.  The crowd cheered often, even interrupting Paul as they sensed him getting ready to drive a point home.  According to those who spoke, this was the biggest crowd that Paul had seen yet on the trail, and definitely the most energetic.  Though who could blame them, Ron Paul even threw in a good quip about The Chief to help jump start his speech.In the end, it was an amazing experience.  I will never turn down the opportunity to hear a presidential candidate in person, let a lone take pictures at the event.  So in case you missed it, check out a few of the photos below.Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


God's Not Dead Tour


Engineering Open House 2012