Japan House and Cherry Blossoms

After finishing off two exams yesterday and my homework that is due tomorrow, I decided to take a break around sunset to head to the Japan house, which I had heard was in bloom.  It was indeed!  While I didn't get a chance to stay as long as I wanted (sunlight didn't last too long), I managed to get some good shots of the cherry blossoms and of the house itself.  The weather was great with a cloudless sky and slight breeze.  Many people were out enjoying the weather and flowers as well, so getting shots without people in the way turned out to be a bit of challenge.  Felt good to dust off the camera, and turns out I need to dust off the sensor as well.  Upon editing I discovered dust spots which I had to remove manually in photoshop.  Looks like a post finals camera cleaning session is in order.  Also, the limited size of the slide show box prevents the pictures from being large enough to see the detail that was captured on the blossoms.  Today they were all open perfectly and the entire inside was visible.  Absolutely amazing to see the fine detailed beauty of God's creation.  Enjoy the photos!![slideshow]Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Laura's PROM Photo Shoot


The last Jam of the Winter