Illinois Marathon 2012

Ominous, probably the best word to describe the Illinois Marathon weekend this year.  Not only was the race looming, but so were the clouds and the rain.  It looked as though at any minute we could get a downpour and drench the crowd and runners that filled the city streets for the 4th annual Christi Clinic Marathon and Half Marathon.  Fortunately that didn't happen though and the races went off without a hitch as runners the world over took to the course and wore out some shoes.  Though the rain was held at bay, it was a bit chilly and windy throughout the morning keeping both fans and runners bundled up.  I even was wearing gloves which proved to be a life saver as the wind would have definitely frozen my hands.As I watched the race, snapping photos from location to location, cheering on some friends that I saw, I've found I really enjoy the on one year, off the next rotation for this race.  Watching others run makes me wish I was racing too, while I remember last year the desire to encourage those who weren't around me in the race.  So it looks like next year I'll be training again, probably for the half, which seems like a good race for me at the moment.  I'm already looking forward to it, and hoping for a bit warmer weather as the turn of the season brings the towns of Champaign and Urbana out from hibernation to greet the runners and each other after a dull, midwest winter.

This year's Marathon medals

Runners get ready for the start of the 5k on Friday night

Runners get off to a quick start in the 5k

A policeman speaks with one of the starters for the race

Runners race beneath an American flag hung by ladder trucks near the start

5k Runners get water after their race

A young boy shouts in excitement as he crosses the finish line

Runners and fans hang around Memorial Stadium following the 5k

A wheelchair racer takes speeds down First St.

The start of the 2012 Illinois Marathon

Runners cross their first intersection of the Full and Half Marathon

Runers speed down Green St. on their way to the first water station

Ladies cheer on the runners with clappers, signs and cheering

The marathon hits Green St. in full force

Runners discard their cups on the side of the street after the first water station

Cups litter the ground near the marathon route sign

A wheelchair racer finishes the half marathon

A man with an awesome beard gets ready to cross the finish line

The announcer keeps the crowd energetic as runners enter the stadium

A father and his young son or grandson on his shoulders

Abe Lincoln finishes the half marathon

Two friends finish the race in a piggy back fashion

A runner waves the flag of his homeland as he crosses the finish line

A runner takes video of himself as he finishes the race

The winner of the marathon enters Memorial Stadium

Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Agapefest 2012


Walking for Clean Water