Flowers at U of I

After my exam this week, I went out on a short little photo taking adventure.  Now that the sun is up for a lot longer period of time it is definitely easier to find time to go out and take photos when you have the sun.  On my walks to and from classes, meetings, and other events I had been making mental notes of places I wanted to stop to take some pictures.  I was able to hit almost all of those spots on this trip, and in addition I stopped by Alma Mater.  I included a couple of photos of her in here even though this post is for flowers.  She will be taken off her base here in May to go on a  one year hiatus to be repaired, and I wanted to grab some before photos of her makeover.Though I was fortunate enough to get time to go on this trip, it is unfortunate that not all plants flower at the same time.  It has it's perks in that campus almost always has something blooming in the spring, but it makes it so that there is no way I can capture all of it.  Hopefully over my years here I'll be able to catch it all at some point.  So here is this year's iteration of spring photos on campus featuring Alma Mater, enjoy!!Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Walking for Clean Water


God's Not Dead Tour