"Family Photo Opp"

The phrase I coined on our family vacations of "family photo opp", a phrase I am sure is not a welcome one for my sister (she doesn't really like her photo taken, a bummer for me).  Fortunately, there were some families in the Chambana area that were in want of there photos taken, so I got a chance to take some.  Both the Woods and Bird fam were up for a portrait session, so we rocked the Arboretum a few weeks back and had a great time enjoying the awesome summer weather.  Each group brought it's own challenges to the table wether that be butterfly distractions or two sisters who couldn't take there eyes off each other to look at the camera.  I had a great time with both families and also getting a chance to see the Arboretum which is always so pretty.  So here are a few of my shots from the sessions, enjoy and let me know what you think!![slideshow]Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Reichman Wedding!!


Independence Day 2011