David & Sarah- Maternity Photo Shoot

While home on winter break I got asked to do a maternity photoshoot for a couple who is friends with my parents.  Prior to this I had never done a maternity session so it required a good amount of studying before hand.  David and Sarah were very easy to work with and had come with some ideas of there own, and some special props which helped me be creative and allowed for some more variety in the photos.  The location was the current Illinois Capitol building which I have not been in for a while.  It was the first time I've had to go through a metal detector for a photo session but it was all enjoyable, the capitol building was gorgeous.  Unfortunately my flash was sitting comfortably in Champaign, which was of no help to me on this session.  Luckily there was a clear hallway with some windows at the end which let in enough natural light to make things work.Below are a few of my favorite shots as usual.  I'd like to thank David and Sarah for entrusting a rookie with the task of capturing a beautiful moment in there lives as they get ready to welcome a new member to their family.DSC_2816DSC_2889DSC_2945DSC_2862BWDSC_2967DSC_2981DSC_2824BWDSC_3013Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Allerton Park in Winter


Top 25 of 2012