Chicago- Holy Name Cathedral

My first stop on my "spring" break trip to Chicago was the Holy Name Cathedral.  It was only a few blocks from our hotel and it was absolutely beautiful.  Once you stepped into the sanctuary and the doors closed behind you, the sound of the busy street and bustling city outside faded away and it was quiet.  It was initially empty when I first entered, but every now and then a person or two would come in to pray and then leave.  I thought it was awesome that people could swing by during their busy day to pray in a peaceful place that is rarely found in the busy city of Chicago.DSC_3750DSC_3755DSC_3758DSC_3761infaredDSC_3764Holy Name CathedralCreative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Chicago- The Bean

