Basketball Opener

Last night I got to shoot the first real game of the season for the No. 13 Illini.  The atmosphere in the stadium was exciting as the Assembly Hall filled to about 3/4 capacity.  The Orange Krush section was packed was photographer section along the baseline during the first half.  I also came to the realization that I have now shot Mike Tisdale playing in high school when we played Riverton and on the college level when he plays for my school.  The pace of the game is incredible and makes things both harder and easier to shoot.  If you're quick enough you'll get good shots because there is a lot of dramatic movement, but you have to be quick.  I really enjoyed shooting my first college men's basketball game and look forward to another sometime in the future.  Hope you enjoy the photos![slideshow]Photos Copyright: JD Maloney and The Daily Illini


A Little Comedy

