A Winter at Meadowbrook

This past weekend we were blessed with quite a large helping of snow.  A slushy and dreary winter became covered in white, weighing down branches and giving everyone an excuse to definitely not study for finals on the weekend.  I got up early on Saturday morning and decided to head over to Meadowbrook Park to take pictures as snow was still falling from a solid grey sky, adding to our 6+" already on the ground.  After forging new territory in the unplowed parking lot I strapped on my backpack and head out for a three mile hike around the park.  I followed the path of a snow skier who must have been out early in the morning.  By the time I got there it was 9am and the tracks had about an inch of snow in them.  Nevertheless, these tracks were helpful, not only did they help me stay on course through the open fields of the park, it also made it a bit easier to walk and not have to step up and out of each footprint.As the snow kept falling my camera and I got very wet, which is okay.  To an extent both of us are waterproof, though it did make it hard to see out my viewfinder as condensation and water droplets blocked the view through my glasses and the camera's viewfinder.  I did make sure however to keep the lens pointed down when not taking pictures to keep its front element dry.  After a couple hours of hiking I had made my way back to the car and reforged a path to the exit and headed home to change into dry clothes.Though the hike in the park was a long one, the park had a lot more to offer that I didn't see.  I only had time to visit some of the statues (which was my main point of the visit), but I was happy with what I did see.  Maybe it's time for me to invest in a pair of snow skies?  Either way, I hope this isn't my only opportunity to photograph snow this season, only time will tell.  If we're lucky, this white stuff might stick around long enough to see Christmas!DSC_1723DSC_1726DSC_1729DSC_1732DSC_1736DSC_1750BWDSC_1783DSC_1796DSC_1801DSC_1819DSC_1821DSC_1840DSC_1846DSC_1851Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Top 25 of 2013


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